Friday, May 17, 2013

Disasters, and surprises.

I was looking through some of my contacts on flickr, and saw I really nice drawing:


I asked her how she learned how to draw, and in her reply she said that she had many disasters.  I think that right now I mostly have disasters, but in my disasters I see a few surprises.

22. A disaster, nothing else.  Pen.

23.  I bought a learn to draw flowers book at Michaels.  Here is the first. Pencils.

24.  Here is the surprise!  I tried it again, and I think this one is a LOT better!!!

25. A car I drew in 10 minutes at the cafe.  I like it.  :D  It's not good but it makes me happy. Pen.

26. Random. Pen.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

17 - 21

This week I have been uninspired to draw. I have been working on making ATCs, and mail art for the various swaps I do. I am including one of the ATCs I made this week.  Today I felt like giving up because I am 40, and should have started drawing 30 years ago, and feeling like it will take me ten years to draw so why even try. But I made it through feeling sorry for myself. I put ink and pencil on paper, and here they are!

17.  Shading practice for online class. Pencils.

18.  Butterfly attempt. pen.

19. Chocolate ATC for a swapbot swap. Pen and colored pencils.

20.  Things from my kitchen counter.  pen.

21.   A chair.  Pen.

That is all for now! Hope I pick up the pace soon!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Eleven through sixteen.

So far this is fun still.  Yes I realize 10,000 seems impossible, and will take years and years.  I can only imagine, dream really, how much better I might be when I am done.  Maybe by then when my daughter asks me how to draw something I won't have a blank look on my face and search the internet for a tutorial.  - Rachel

Thursday, May 2, 2013

One through ten - A beginning

Number one. A pre-course self portrait from drawspace. I look like a zombie.   Weeeeeee!

Number two. Silly dog from class.  He is cute though.  Pencil.

Number three.  A lamp from class.  Maybe this one was before dog?  I forget.  Pencil.

Number four. Bee from class. Pencil.

Number five.  Flowers from class. Pencil.

Number six. Shed from class.

Number seven.  A hotel I stayed at in Michigan.  The Bavarian Inn.

Number eight. Chicken. Pen.

Number nine. Salt with letters too big. Pen.

Number 10. Sam's tricycle.  Pen.

Okay time to publish.  It's really hard for me to press publish and show my beginnings.  I think this is how I grow, right?  Scary!